30 november 2014

The HKDI Team

The exhibition has been open since the 24th October and we have been back for the Grand Inaurugal on the 28th November. The first month Re Rag Rug attracted 8000 visitors!

We are overwhelmed and impressed by HKDI and the teams that we have had the pleasure to work with; The curatorial team with Ms. Queenie Lau and her fantastic assistants Hilda, Rubie, Ruth and Joy that made it all work. The constructors Allison and Porsche, the marketing team with Mr. Aiden Wong who got us into every newspaper and TV show in Hong Kong, and of course the team who prepared and rehearsed the Grand inaugural. Thank you so much!

And thank you for introducing us to Dim Sum!
The curatorial team with Ms. Queenie Lau and her fantastic assistants Hilda, Rubie, Ruth and Joy

Sunday Morning Post Magazine (Southern China)