Vår matta är gjord i två lager ylletröjor, det undre sytt på maskin för att bli en stadig grund. Det övre med längre förstygn genom alla lager, inklusive fodret.
Förstygnet - det enklaste av stygn - används till att lappa, laga, foga ihop och dekorera. Vi har sett det på våra resor i Bangladesh, Pakistan och Indien men också i Japan. Ofta till att skapa lapptäcken av gamla tyger. Som en kantha eller sashiko.
Mått:150x310 cm, Material: ylletröjor, Teknik: Kantha/Sashiko/ förstygn, collage och sömnad
Länk till alla inlägg om Aquarelle / Link to all posts on Aquarelle
Aquarelle, color-blocking where every patch has it's own compostion. Each one beautiful in its self.
In order to fill the large blocks of color we have patched them with several woolen sweaters in similar tones but with a clean cut edge to keep the block sharp.
The running stitch, simplest of stitches which has been used in a decorative way to reinforce, mend or repair worn fabrics, but also to create quilts out of old cloth.
We have seen this stitch on our travels to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh- but also in Japan.
Our rug is made of two layers of patched sweaters. The bottom layer stitched by machine for a steady base and the top stitched through all layers, including the backing, with a longer running stitch.
Like a kantha or sashiko.
Size:150x310 cm, Material: wollen sweaters, Technique: Kantha/Sashiko/ running stitch, appliqué, patch work
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