22 september 2017

Reiko Sudo och ReMUJI

Vi fick fint besök från Japan i ateljén bara ett par dagar efter att vi kommit hem från Tokyo.

Reiko Sudo, textile designer and co-founder of Nuno, visited us in the Studio only a couple of days back from Tokyo. She was invited to Sweden by Iaspis as part of the expert visit program. Sudo's works are part of 'Trådvandringar/Threadways' at Växjö Konsthall 21/9-29/10 and with 'Nuno' at Fiber Space until 14/10.

Reiko Sudo is also a member of the MUJI advisory board, which provides strategic direction for MUJI’s product development and environmental practices. Little did we know that she had been at the Swedish Embassy at our talk the week before!
When getting involved at MUJI she noticed that many of the clothes returned to Muji were perfectly wearable and, keen to avoid unnecessary waste, she initiated ReMUJI, a project of recolouring the donated clothes with indigo, before selling the “new” garments in-store.

Muji has been a long-time participant in the Fuku-Fuku Project, a nationwide effort by retailers inviting customers to drop off their unwanted clothes for recycling. Fuku means both “clothing” and “happiness” in Japanese.
“Through these ReMUJI ventures we’ve taken a closer look at the relationship between people, lifestyle and textiles,” Sudo says. “In a sermon, Buddha once said, ‘Never waste what has been given; do not discard even the smallest scrap that can be used’. This speaks to the heart of what I have always tried to do.”